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A first for Estonia: An elected Black Politician
Christian Science Monitor 26 Oct 2013

Turay to take seat on Tallinn city council 
Published ERR 22 Oct 2012

Mixed Results for Tallinn City Council 
Published ERR 21 Oct 2012 

The expat running for city council 
Published ERR 16 August 2013 

Estonian gets its first Black candidate for city councillor
Published ERR 16 August 2013 

Interview with Estonian World 
6 June 2013 Estonia World 

Eesti Keeles

I am not a natural social democrat
Eesti Päevaleht 25 October 2013

Abdul Turay joins the Social Democratic Party
Postimees 24 October 2013 

Social Democrats send Abdul Turay to the city Council 
Eesti Päevaleht 23 October 2013 

Abdul Turay gets into the City Council
Postimees 22 Oct 2013

I will represent the views of the whole community in government
Postimees 16 August 2013

Kross: we were also interested in Turay
Postimees 16 August 2013 

Abdul Turay to be a candidate for the social democrats 
Delfi 16 August 2013

Columnist Abdul Turay to be a candidate on the social democrats list
Õhtuleht 16 August 2013 

Abdul Turay to be candidate for Social Democrats 
Postimees 16 August 2013

Abdul Turay to be a candidate for local government
Reporter 16 August 2013 

An experiment has been taking place in Estonia for the last  is a 25 years
Eesti Paevaleht 26 November 2012 

Interview with Maaleht 
Maaleht 01 February 2013 

Published Delfi 13 December

Today journalist Abdul Turay presented his book in Viru Central Rahva book store “A small white nation” in which he deals in depth with the themes of Estonian culture and political landscape. Talking with the author was Priit Hõbemagi.....

Four years ago was published the opinion story which carried the headline “A black president for a small white nation” From that time Abdul Turay has with his pen published a huge amount of candid and brave opinion columns deconstructing Estonian life.
In “A small white nation” he deals with these themes in detail, in addition he has interviewed many of Estonia's public figures like Andrus Ansip, Mart Laar, Kadri Simson and Marju Lauristin.

A small nation

book presentation

Extract from Book Small White Nation (in Estonian)
Extract II from Small White Nation  (In Estonian)
Extracts from an interview with Home and Family
Interview on ETV
More Interview on ETV
Q and A Interview with Priit Pullerits
Black man flies solo

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