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Showing posts from March, 2012
Galojan will not be coming home soon. By Abdul Turay Published Postimees 27 February 2012 Anna Maria Galojan is quite a boring person. I am bored with reading about her case already. Frankly I am not that interested in her, but since I have some insider knowledge with the system she is facing, I thought I'd share it with you. Miss Galojan claims that she is not running away by staying in the UK and if she really wanted to run she would have gone to South America. Anna Marie Galojan Splashing about. The reverse is true. I suspect Galojan choose Britain precisely because it the best place for her or anyone else to evade justice. Britain has a slow and inefficient bureaucracy, especially when dealing with law and order issues. If Galojan has actually claimed asylum like she says, she will be caught in this system, certainly for months and possibly for years. Countries with a history of dictatorship, often have fast and efficient bureaucracies. Dicta