to Sotsid aren't freaks By Abdul Turay Published Postimees 26 August 2010 Who'd want to be a Social Democrat right now? According to political analysts they lack leadership, vision and ideas. They even lack respectability. Worse, their own PR makes them look like freaks or perverts. "What connects these three people, Tony Blair, Olof Palme and Tarja Halonen,.... all of them are Social Democrats," shouts their website in their internationally themed banner heading. It's as though their saying to voters. "Look people, it's OK to be one of us, it isn't weird, it isn't kinky, it's perfectly normal!" Some people think gays are perverts. Gay pressure groups use the same tactic. "Elton John, Leonardo Da Vinci and Yukio Mishima. All of them were gay." Quite frankly it would be a happier time for a politician or public figure if they came out as gay. There'd be some acceptance, some understanding, some sympathy even. Once you come o