Chartists versus the World Published Postimees 13 December 2012 This week December 13 2012 my book “A small white nation” comes out. In the book, I examine Estonia's place in the World. How and why Estonia has moved from being a country at the periphery to the very centre of the debate of how the world ought to be run. There is more story telling in the book than I normally write. I am quite sure I will enrage some people and shock others. One thing I described so shocked my editor that she refused to believe it was true. “Are you really sure it happened?” she kept asking me over and over again. I leave you to guess what it is but you have to read the book. But there is one thing that has been left out. I don't write about Charter 12. The simple reason is when I handed the manuscript in to my publishers it didn't exist yet. It was just perfect timing, I write a book discussing amongst other things, whether Estonian political culture is f