Playing around with higher education? By Abdul Turay Published Postimees 4th February 2011 The IRL is promising to scrap tuition fees for a large majority of university students. The Social Democrats are accusing them of populism and Keskerakond are claiming that they are just stealing their policies. But what do the students themselves think? At 18 years old, and about to enter University, Diana Kull is just the type of person whom this policy is aimed at. Free education sounds good to Kull, it was the main reason she picked the university she picked. She is also just the type of young swing voter the IRL is trying to win over. She likes the Social Democrats but she believes the IRL are the party of common sense. “(I like) their general appearance. The IRL are not too nationalist, they are in the safe zone in the middle,” she said. Don't count on Kull voting for the IRL just yet. In fact don't count on her staying in Estonia at all. Kull is leaving the country, she decided t