Go West, Follow-up article Martinson: in up to 90 percent of business regions, we are in Eastern Europe. Fir st published Postimees 21 June 2010 In risk capitalist Allan Martinson's evaluation, we are for most people, generally, an Eastern European country and to become a Nordic country will take at least a generation. Abdul Turay wrote in today's Postimees an opinion piece that in Europe, Estonia is beginning to be considered separately from the rest of Eastern Europe and is becoming more a part of the Nordic countries. In Martinson's view the firms' structures and ownership relationship are on the one hand structurally Baltic and on the other hand leaning to the side of the Nordic countries. “We have very many important firm still with a Baltic structure. Managers go between Riga, Vilnius, Helsinki or Stockholm. “In economic thinking we are a part of Eastern Europe. In Europe we are to in business regions, as far as 80-90 percent of people are concerned, an Easte