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How to become Estonian By Abdul Turay First published Postimees 26 February 2009 I recently gave a series of lectures at Hugo Treffner gymnasium and other schools in Tartu about the crisis of civic nationalism. The students were fairly quiet during the lectures but I am told by their class teachers there was heated and furious arguments about what it all means for Estonia after I left. Some of you may be unfamiliar with what exactly civic nationalism is, much less that it is in crisis so let me clarify it. It means that my own country, Britain, might actually collapse like the Soviet Union, not five years or 10 years from now, but next year or the year after. The same thing could happen to Belgium, Spain, South Africa even the United States. Canada came within a hairbreadths of collapse 14 years ago. In Britain the danger is very real and imminent. If you're not familiar with British politics. You might be surprised to hear this. There are broadly speaking two competing id